How Pomade Can Help You Achieve a Fresh Hairstyle
Many men either do not use hair product or they use the wrong kind and also use it incorrectly. At Johnny Slicks, we want all men to understand what type... -
Men’s Grooming Tips for the Face Mask Era
Face masks have become part of the new normal. With storefronts requiring them upon entry and government mandates across the country, you’ll very likely continue wearing a cloth face at... -
6 Grooming Habits Every Man Should Have
Although each man’s skin and hair may be different, there are some general guidelines listed here that every man should follow. Gone are the days when men could get away... -
4 Ways to Stop or Combat a Receding Hairline
At some point, every man’s hairline is likely to start its journey backward. For some, it happens in high school. For others, it holds off until their forties. Regardless, unless...